Monday 24 October 2011

We're All in This Together

Back in July I did something totally out of character. I went for an audition for a part in a pantomime. Quite ironic really, since one of the things to come out of my counselling sessions is that I have spent my whole life playing various characters and never being myself. However, because it's in the context of a panto, it's deemed to be "a good thing".
I didn't get either of the parts I auditioned for. But I did get a speaking part in addition to dancing and being in the chorus. And so now, some three months later, I sit here on the eve of Franky Panky opening, wondering what the hell I've let myself in for!
It's been hard work. We've been rehearsing twice a week for three months and on top of that we've all spent time at home, at the office, learning lines and songs, watching You Tube videos of dance routines and putting together costumes. I find it not only physically demanding, but mentally it's been such hard work too. At least two rehearsals have triggered bouts of depression where I've beaten myself up for not being able to do the dances and songs, and there have been a number of other diva hissy fits along the way.
But it's been fun. There hasn't been a single rehearsal where we haven't all fallen about laughing at the dame's latest bit of improvisation or the evil baron stumbling over his words. Sometimes we've even laughed at the script. We've really bonded as a company, we've worked together and played together and we've all helped each other get through the tough weeks.
And it's been rewarding. It's such a buzz when you actually manage to get a scene right or get to the end of a dance routine wihout falling over, and makes all the hard work worthwhile. From a personal point of view, it's been great working with my young son, who actually got me into all this in the first place and has a part in the panto. He probably knows his lines and dances better than anyone - his young brain is still unaffected by the ravages of time - and has been a real star helping me with my lines.
So, one last push over the next couple of days before the curtain comes up. Whatever happens when I'm on that stage, under the glare of the lights, I will look back on the last couple of months with pleasure and pride.
And I will be thankful that I won't ever have to listen to this again!
Horfield Theatre Company presents Franky Panky, a pantomime by Graham Barraclough
Horfield Parish Hall, Wellington Hill, Bristol BS7 8ST
Weds 26th to Sat 29th Oct. 7.30 each night and 2.30 Sat matinee
£8 adults/£6.50 conc/£25 family (2+2)
Tickets from or 07597 085934

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